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Ant Trail Productions



zoom line effect cartoon scattered lines for decoration ligh

Xidera’s Edge


A Graphic Novel

All Rights Reserved

zoom line effect cartoon scattered lines for decoration ligh

There is a world behind your world...

where Light and darkness collide...

and the Light is life and breathes life.

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With the Light, she wages war on the darkness,

and in a war where weapons are not tangible... there is...

Xidera’s Edge!

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“Lord of Light, I stand for you...

To help your beloved from darkness through.

Guide my steps as love collides,

For evil darkness cannot abide. ”



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Special Edition

Written and Created by: Cheryl Harkness ​Illustrated by: Hanna Brooks

Written and Created by: Cheryl Harkness ​Illustrated by: Hanna Brooks

Click to read!

Do you want to know Abba Father?

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God loves you so much. So much that He inspired this novel to show you that your life is valuable and precious to Him. God sent His only son to be the sacrifice for your sins. Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood on calvary so you could be free. Jesus’ blood sets you free from the guilt, shame, and death of sin. Salvation is the gift. Jesus’ blood was the price. All so that you can be free and come to know God the Father. How can you become a born-again believer and a child of God? Just read the below and accept God’s amazing love.

Dear Jesus, I need you. I have been trying to do life on my own and I don’t want to anymore. I give myself to you. Please forgive me of my sins, please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Please fill me with your love. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and I receive your forgiveness. I am yours, Amen.

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Due to the fighting scenes in Xidera’s Edge we recommend 16+ years to read. If children are younger than 16 we recommend reading with a parent or trusted adult. Enjoy!

Age for Xidera’s Edge

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Abstract comic book flash
Abstract comic book flash
Abstract comic book flash
Abstract comic book flash